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Wanma Macromolecule: Innovation leads, glory on the list - Hangzhou Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises in 2024


In Hangzhou, a hot land for innovation and entrepreneurship, Wanma Macromolecule Material Group Co.,Ltd. has been honored in the list of Hangzhou Top 100 Manufacturing Enterprises in 2024 with its excellent technological innovation ability and industrial strength. This honor is not only the recognition of the past achievements of Wanma Macromolecule, but also the expectation and incentive for its future development.


Wanma Macromolecule, as the core sector of Wanma shares, focuses on the research and development and manufacturing of polymer materials. With the technical breakthrough in the field of high-voltage cable materials, the company has successfully broken the international monopoly and contributed to the core strength of the domestic application of national high-voltage cable insulation materials and shielding materials.

Wanma Macromolecule continues to move forward on the road of technological innovation, and its research and development of "220kV high-voltage cable cross-linked polyethylene insulation material" project won the Hangzhou Technological Achievement Innovation Award, marking the company's research and development strength in the field of specialized new materials has been widely recognized by the industry.

In 2022, the full completion and operation of Huzhou Smart Factory, as well as the full line through trial production of the ultra-high pressure phase II project, will provide a solid foundation for the industrial upgrading and market expansion of Wanma Macromolecules. This not only optimizes the company's industrial layout, but also injects a strong impetus for future sustainable development.


Wanma Macromolecule has won wide recognition in the market for its high-quality products and solutions. The company's products are widely used in many fields such as power, transportation, electronic appliances, communications, construction and energy, and have become an important force to promote the development of related industries.

As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, Wanma Macromolecule actively responds to the national green development strategy, helps energy conservation and emission reduction through technological innovation, promotes the green transformation of industry, and contributes to the sustainable development of society.


Honor on the list of Hangzhou Top 100 Manufacturing enterprises in 2024, for Wanma Macromolecule, is both an honor and a responsibility. Looking forward to the future, Wanma Macromolecule will continue to uphold the innovation-driven development concept, constantly promote technological progress and industrial upgrading, and contribute to the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.